Friday, September 30, 2016

Hooray for a fabulous teacher!!!

*2nd of three missing posts from last year that are just surfacing now.  Aack.

Jill, our School-Helper-All-Around-Blessing this year, has been incredible!  
Here are a few of the highlights:

Keeping the school room and planner prepared, organized, and decorated

Teaching with skill and patience

Being a walking encyclopedia for Halloween

A hilarious skit, which the kids enjoyed immensely


Carnival Night with all sorts of games

(Corrie was especially into the hot-potato/water balloon-popping game)

The three-legged race

Hours upon hours of babysitting for a weekly Jeff/Laura date (!)

More hours of reading aloud (Treasure Island, anyone?)

Being a part of our family!!   Thank you, thank you Lord, for Jill!

5 Years? How can that be?

*PreScript: I just discovered that somehow these old drafts of posts never got published. Sorry. Yes, I've been horrible about posting anything for a long time.  Obviously.  But better late than never, so here you are.

Our family recently celebrated being in this country for 5 years already.  

One thing we have done for the anniversary of our coming every year is make a big "memorial poster."  On it we write all the highlights, all the cool things we have seen God do, from the past year.  I didn't get pictures of that, unfortunately.  

But afterwards, as 5 years is an extra-special event, 
we went to the ice cream parlor to celebrate!  God is faithful!

And finally, our family just before coming overseas 5 years ago...

And now, plus one!

Karisa: How up to Date are you?

Don't you just love those sunglasses?

And that hat? She's a serious one, ain't she?
Here's a video of Karisa + Guns = Out of bullets
"Attention!"  "At Ease."

Enjoying Time at Kwai River Chr. Hosp.

A few shots from our time at the hospital.  It seems we didn't actually get any pictures of Jeff working, which is why we were there.  But the rest of us had a good time too!

Naptime.  (It isn't usually this crowded!)

 Abbi and Corrie especially enjoyed playing with a local friend
named Sana. (pronounced "Say- Nah")

Ambushing Dad and chasing him home from work across the compound.
He's not in the picture and neither is Anna, as she's right behind him.

Caught 'im!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Our Wreck

While heading to Thailand to work for a couple weeks 

at a small hospital near the Burma border, we got in a wreck.  

Looked down to see the map, looked up to see rear-ending the truck in front of us.  =(

You missed out on an important picture!

This is what it looked like.

A police tow-truck came and towed the van (with us in it) to the police station, where we spent the next 5 hours waiting for insurance guys, police, and a friend to come help translate for us.  But everyone was really nice, and the tow-truck driver bought us lunch!!

The police station

  The manager of the hospital we were headed to happened to be about 1 hour
away in Bangkok, and he arranged for a van to take us the
rest of the way to the hospital.

Everybody was really nice!
In case you're wondering, everyone was OK.
We were so thankful!